A former teenage author turned twenty and her stabs at writing life and living to write.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hello all!!! Okay, so at least hello to maybe the three that are following me, if that. Still, there is something theraputic about speaking to an unknown audience even if no one else is listening.

I really have the best news I ever thought possible. I am brainstorming and even starting to write my second novel!! And I'm not even talking about the sequel to Jhevalia, but a completely different book. I am sooooo enthusiastic about this new project. More importantly, I'm finally starting to feel like an author. At first, I was just the author of a certain story with characters I have been acquainted with for nearly five years now. But this proves that I have other ideas and could make a living thinking of new ones. I am just so thrilled.

In this new book entitled Whispers, I won't disclose too much except that it is a futuristic novel about government with a hint of fantasy and science fiction. I am so excited to write something this deep. It goes through the necessity of real, loving communication and the dangers of a all too powerful government. I cannot believe how exhilarated I am about writing this new story. And no, I have most definitely not forgotten about Jhevalia and my beloved characters. I just two days ago sent out another five queries. I have already received one negative response, but that still leaves the number at six left. I guess we'll see what happens.

I got accepted to BYU last Tuesday and have been on cloud nine since then. I'm so excited for college life. It's going to be amazing!!! The only sad part is that I wanted to major in creative writing, but they do not offer such a major. I suppose I will major in English with maybe an emphasis on literature. Not sure yet.

My Goal: To find a suitable agent before I start BYU in the fall. I'm simply not going to take no for an answer. I feel different now. It's like coming up with another book has proven that I am truly an AUTHOR!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

And Here She Comes, Sporting Dry Wit and Bitter Habits

I think that when concocting the idea of creating a blog, I had this picture in my head of sharing all my woes and triumphs with my millions of readers (and... laughter) until one day I would find someone who loved my book, sold it to a publisher, designed a cover, and then the world would natually love my book and flock to the store just to get their very own copy. I'm beginning to realize that just may never happen. Perhaps the only readers of this blog will ever be me and the occcasional family member who decides to take a glimpse (I don't think any of them have read more than my first one).

Okay, so what to do with that information. How can I somehow learn a valuable lesson that makes all the heartache worth it? Yeah, I'm not so sure yet. I guess I've always gained hope from the fact that my book is the one thing I have never given up on. I have never even put it aside for more that five weeks. And even then I was thinking of it constantly. However, going for a dream in that concentration for nearly four years now is just so exhausting. Sure, there have been other things in my life, but I can't even begin to count the days when writing that book and gaining a future from it have been the only things getting me out of bed.

Dreams are exhausting. I can now understand why some people stay in their dead-end job. It's safer there and nothing can really hurt them. Sure, they may be discontented, but it's comfortable. And yeah, if anyone else really is reading this besides my family, you may not think I have any idea of what I'm talking about at the age of eighteen. And maybe I don't. Then again, maybe I'm aware of much more than is given credit to me.

I'm ranting. This I know. Then again, it is the exact reason why I started it to begin with. I need somewhere to share my heartache when I know it isn't always wanted to be heard by the people around me. Now, I'm not complaining. I just know, by the looks I get and responses I'm fed, that it's hard for them to be continually lifting my spirits and hearing constantly of my fears. I understand it really. I just wish someone would listen to my fears as validated. Yes, I know I have my life ahead of me. The only problem is I can't imagine doing anything else besides writing. I can't fathom leaving the house at seven and sitting at a desk until the world is as bleak as L. Frank Baum described Kansas in his book, The Wizard of Oz.

Okay, so all that was probably the bitter portion of my title. I am really not a bitter person, though. I love life in general. I love my family more than I could probably ever aptly describe. I love to laugh (and I usually do... often at practically nothing at all). I love meeting new people and seeing different places. I want to travel more than almost anything else when I get older. I have a great desire to see the Swiss Alps and the Eifel Tower. I long to go somewhere in the heart of Europe and get lost for a few months in the beauty and culture. Again, another reason why I need to get this book sold.

Okay, so the dry wit thing. I know I don't sound all that hilarious on print. I don't understand it really, but I'm actually quite amusing if you can get me in person. I love making people laugh. If I hadn't found writing as my ultimate passion, I just may have gone in the entertainment biz (I could have been a clown...). Now, even I'll admit. People often don't understand my humor. I'm slightly offbeat. Every once in a while, though, I can put people on the floor (quite literally).

Okay, so here's to this Sunday evening. I have nothing really more to say except that I check my email every ten minutes (I wish to goldfish I was exaggerating), praying that someone will have said something in return. I'd rather have a rejection at this point that stand any more of this waiting. I'M GOING CRAZY!! And here I leave you...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

To Write Or Not To... nevermind

I spent two hours late into the night typing away at my computer, starting the first chapter of my second book. Now, this wasn't the most convenient of times. It was one o'clock in the morning and I had just spent the last two and a half hours watching Sherlock Holmes in the Fairbanks Regal Cinemas. But it was those quiet, early morning hours that brought me something special. I learned how to write again.

I have spent the better part of the last few months sending out queries, reading rejection form letters, and stressing about the ones still out there. Last night I remembered why I started writing in the first place. It's amazing actually. I regained all that I lost sight of over these last several months. Not only is the beginning of my second book very exciting and almost shocking, but writing about these people again is just like reacquainting myself with long lost family or friends. I love them. I root for them. I cry for them. I laugh at them. And yeah, it may seem odd to have such a close relationship with fictitious characters, but creating them, their habits and their passions, their stories and their struggles, all after people I have seen and known, even things I have experienced myself, it ties them to me irrevocably.

Alaska is cold, though that’s no surprise. It really is so strange being up here again. Even just sitting around the house is odd and going to church was even more bizarre. It’s almost like I have two homes now and each one I feel at ease in for different reasons. Living up here last year was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I’ll tease about my life up here, sure, but only because there were a lot of adjustments I had to conform to. In all honesty, meeting these new people from other sides of the country was fantastic. I loved the new experiences and different ideas. The frozen, beautiful landscape was a great inspiration for my book setting. All in all, it was the place for me to be at that time. I loved living with a family, becoming a sister to my niece and nephews. I have never regretted my decision for one moment.

Okay, so that was a really long tangent there. This blog today really doesn’t have a point or maybe even a theme. It’s pretty much just a bunch of jumbled thoughts. Then again, if you have ever spent considerable time with me, you know how my head works.

So here’s to the new book. Here’s to BYU (who sent me my acceptance letter on Tuesday). Here’s to my future and dreams I hope to keep afloat while I continue through these next few years. I’m terrified and excited; chomping on the bit though a part of me is hesitant. My life is truly about to begin. This is it.

To Write Or Not To Write… maybe that really is the question.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Jolly Old St. Valentine... wait... uhhhh

Valentines Day. It's the center of great dispute that probably goes past any other holiday. There are those who hate it fervently, referring to it as a sick excuse to parade a relationship. On the other hand, there are those who love the chance to show how significant their other truly is.

My fondest memories (note the sarcasm) of Valentine's Day bring me back to life in Junior High. It's hilarious to remember all those little tiny people giving flowers and making promises. Then again, there were the others, people who at the mental age of two never had a girlfriend/boyfriend. To show their personal independent nature, they wore badges to proclaim to everyone that they were ignoring this heart-filled holiday.

I don't believe I take either side in this never-ending battle. I have fond memories of making valentines for my classmates in Elementary School. Everyone got one from everyone, in that way provoking no one to jump off a roof from lack of love and attention. On the other hand, perhaps this ooey gooey holiday is centered too much around those with boyfriends and girlfriends. And maybe all those people out there who feel alone and unloved from the lack thereof should take a minute and look around. Cut out some construction paper and make dorky looking valentines for your parents, your friends, your neighbors. Perhaps we should all make this holiday a time to remember the people we care about and those who care about us. We should remember all those who have pushed us to become what we are and who continue doing so for our future's sake... Heaven bless them.

On a post script note, I have still heard nothing from the other three who have my manuscript. "The Other Three". Now there's a phrase that chills me to the bone. In any case, maybe this really is the end of the road. I have already received an acceptance letter to BYU-IDAHO and BYU's is due (whether rejection or acceptance) next Friday. Maybe all of this is a sign that my writing should be put aside for a while. Maybe my future is calling and writing that book gave me everything I needed to answer. Maybe the act of writing this story has given me more than publishing it ever could. Maybe these things are true and maybe not. Either way, these thoughts have kept me sane through the many long, torturous months I've seen.

Happy Valentine's day... Happy year of 2010... Happy, Happy, Happy (Sometimes you've just got to repeat it over and over until it's an emotion you feel)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

On Hands and Knees

Four rejection letters down. How many more to go? Can I even stand this process any longer? Ah, there's the true question. And I don't know the answer. With every no comes the very sharp reality that I may never find anyone who sees the potential in my book as I do. I may never find an agent who is devoted to my characters, concerned for their welfare, and swept away by the fantastical setting. And what will happen if I don't? Will I have the ability to simply shelve my manuscript and forget it's there? See? This is going to be a lighthearted posting today!

I dream about my characters, my world. They talk to me. And when I put them down on paper, they often seem more real than many things in this world. I sound crazy. I know. But I think that kind of connection is unavoidable when someone writes the way I do. With my imagination, I am swept away in a fantastical world that perhaps no one can truly understand as I do.

Okay, so that's the beautiful, imaginative part of writing a book. And now that it's over completely, I am forced to compete with the millions of authors in the same boat as I, trying ever so desperately to catch the eye of SOMEONE!!

Maybe I should start my second book. I mean, I've already planned it to do so at some point. I just always thought I would try to market the first one all I could before trying my hand at a sequel. But I just don't think I can handle this part of a writer's life. Does that mean I'll give up? No, at least not for now. I want to explore just a little more, see if I can tear up any more pieces of my heart before putting my manuscript on that little shelf that I spoke of earlier. Maybe I will start the sequel, providing that time allows for it. I'm itching to continue her story (my main character) as much as my own... through her.

That's all I have for today. Rejections, rejections, and more rejections. Maybe, though, I will someday find an agent and all this heartache will seem so unnecessary. Maybe I will even look back on these times and appreciate all I've learned from it. In any case, I'm not giving up quite yet. You haven't heard the last of me and so on and so forth.